
Showing posts from August, 2017


What is SWORD-AFPSM? "SWORD- AFPSM is the break-away group of the MRRD-NECC group, and was created in honor of those groups who originally convinced, and sacrificed to support then Mayor Rodrigo Duterte in his bid for the 2016 Presidential Election. We welcome everyone to join us, those who believe in President Duterte and in his Federal Form of Government." - Dr. Steve Esteban Jr. , Honorary Adviser & Founder. What is the purpose of SWORD-AFPSM? Founded by Dr. Dioscoro "Steve" Esteban, Jr., SWORD-AFPSM formerly "SWORD-AFPSC", was created to support all our President Rodrigo Duterte 's present and future programs, including among others, the conversion of our Unitary Form of Government into a Parliamentary / Federal Form of Government. Please watch: